Global Security Challenge – 2008
The Global Security Challenge (GSC) was an annual competition to find the most promising security technology start-ups in the world. The mission of the GSC was to stimulate technological innovations that make airports, cities and enterprises safer without encroaching on civil liberties. About two thousand companies, research groups and individuals took part in the competition in 2008. In order to reach the final stage, each participant was to win a regional competition at first. Armenia was included in the so-called Asian Group, in which some 800 works participated – from countries ranging from Japan and Australia to those of the former USSR. On September 26 the work of PSI’s team became the proud winner of Asian Semi-final and reached the Grand final, that was held in London on November 13 (besides the Asian Group, there were also European an American groups). So, on that day, six teams were recognized as Global Security Challenge Finalists, actually, winners of the competition. PSI was among those six teams.